Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Chris Klicka
Mr. Klicka was diagnosed with MS a little over 15 years ago. God has blessed him throughout this, but is finally calling him home. Pray for his wife, and his seven children to stay strong.
As quoted from the HSLDA site:
"Chris Klicka, HSLDA’s first full-time attorney, who has been fighting multiple sclerosis for many years, became very ill at our National Leaders Conference in Colorado last week. Chris was admitted to St. Francis Medical Center in Colorado Springs but has since been moved to hospice care.
His family has traveled from Virginia to be with him. Please pray for them as they wait on the Lord during this difficult time.
For updates on Chris’s status visit
You may leave comments about Chris on the discussion section of HSLDA’s Facebook page.
Members and friends of HSLDA are also invited to email their well-wishes and comments concerning Chris to
For more about Chris’s years of service to the homeschooling community, view his bio at HSLDA’s website."
You can also read the recent updates at
Thanks so much.:)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
From the Manger ---> To the Cross ---> For the World
Monday, October 5, 2009
I was shocked, confused, bewildered
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Western (or maybe it's eastern...) Colorado's First Snow ~ September 23rd
Snow on the railing
Front yard - the forest is beautiful, I miss the plains though.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
For Those Tears I Died
Monday, September 28, 2009
Principle #2: Love is Action - Not Just Words
Thursday, September 17, 2009
And you Credo girls (because the boys are LAME - and if you guys read this, no offese - but talking once in a while would help) should comment and tell me how boring class is without the class clown.... or whatever I am. The smart class clown? The Killer of the Innocent? The Most Creative Writer Ever regarding Strange Subjects? Did you know that Neutrogena contains ox bile? This is why you need me. A fact you will never use again, yet it will be ingrained and irk your mind for the next twenty years.
Sarah to the Third Power
"Forgath," "You there!," and "Hey," works also.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
There's no reason this should have a subject
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Love - Emotional or Mental?

Love grows, like a plant. The more you care and work with a plant, the stronger and healthier it will become. I don't know the percentage, but for most of those people who experience "love at first sight" - that love fails within a matter of months, weeks, maybe even minutes. You can be angry I said that, it's okay with me if you are. But deep inside, you too know that to experience a good result in any one thing, whether it be school, life, or relationships - one must work and “put his hand to the plow.” As the old adage goes, "good things never come easy."
I've established that love takes work, now realize that love is an act of the will.
What part of speech is it?
A verb.
Yes, but what kind?
An action verb…
Love takes action - work is action, and will is action. But, keep in mind that I'm not only referring to erotas, but also to agape, philia, storge, etc (if you don't know the meaning's of these words, go here).
As this book reiterates, it's hard to love under stressful conditions, yet that's where most of life occurs. Joy, you say. But it's time to face facts, so grow up (don't worry - I'm more immature than anyone reading this, that I can assure you). Anyway, it's at these times that love is most important, not the receiving of love, but the giving of it.
What, you say. I'm tired, my body aches, my stomach is in pain, my head hurts - and I'm supposed to continue to give?
How do you think our Lord Jesus felt on the cross, with nails in His hands and feet, blood dripping like you would never imagine?
Christian love is an act of will, a deliberate effort that we can make only by the grace of God.
As A Young Woman’s Walk with God states,
"so we choose to:
- give love when we want to withhold,
-reach out to others when we are tired and want to rest,
-serve when we want to be served, and
-help others when we ourselves are hurting."
A tall order? Of course, but with Jesus, impossible is nothing.
This kind of love comes only from our dear Savior, without Him we are nothing, and have no ability to even understand love.
In conclusion, love is not emotional, but an act of the will. A very important difference.
Well, I should go to bed, tomorrow I'll talk about Principle #2: Love is action, not just words.
By the way, did you know that there's a word called "antediluvian"? *shakes head in wonder* Just in case you'll ever have use for it, here's the definition for your arsenal:" 1 : of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible
2 a : made, evolved, or developed a long time ago." (Merriam-Webster)
It was first used in 1646, so I’m hoping someone’s heard of it…
Now that you can write a better paragraph, unlike the ones I just quickly scribbled, I can go to bed in peace.:P
Impossible is Nothing
Be a World Changer
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
In the Light

and all i can feel is grace, and love, and hope, and i swear its almost tangible.
one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time.
and we are still here and our breaths still come out clear and my heart is still beating, strong and fast.
and tonight that is enough.
it's enough to just breathe. it's enough to just live. to be. to feel overwhelmed with love and joy andhope and change and growth. and pride.
we can breathe. breathe grace, healing, love, redemption, freedom, laughter, inspiration, hope, change, and feeling.
tonight i am reminded that we were made for more. that it is okay to mourn, but it is also okay to dance. and tomorrow it will be okay to laugh and live and recount and rejoice together.
tomorrow, like we have for the past several months, we trade pain for healing, secrets for truth, and death for life.
and there's a big part of me that believes that as we party here on earth, Jesus and all of His angels are celebrating up in heaven, too. and it is the best feeling.
so. thank you. for reminding me that i never walk alone. for being there. for rescuing me, for being the physical hands of Christ in my life.
i hope you believe it too.