Love grows, like a plant. The more you care and work with a plant, the stronger and healthier it will become. I don't know the percentage, but for most of those people who experience "love at first sight" - that love fails within a matter of months, weeks, maybe even minutes. You can be angry I said that, it's okay with me if you are. But deep inside, you too know that to experience a good result in any one thing, whether it be school, life, or relationships - one must work and “put his hand to the plow.” As the old adage goes, "good things never come easy."
I've established that love takes work, now realize that love is an act of the will.
What part of speech is it?
A verb.
Yes, but what kind?
An action verb…
Love takes action - work is action, and will is action. But, keep in mind that I'm not only referring to erotas, but also to agape, philia, storge, etc (if you don't know the meaning's of these words, go here).
As this book reiterates, it's hard to love under stressful conditions, yet that's where most of life occurs. Joy, you say. But it's time to face facts, so grow up (don't worry - I'm more immature than anyone reading this, that I can assure you). Anyway, it's at these times that love is most important, not the receiving of love, but the giving of it.
What, you say. I'm tired, my body aches, my stomach is in pain, my head hurts - and I'm supposed to continue to give?
How do you think our Lord Jesus felt on the cross, with nails in His hands and feet, blood dripping like you would never imagine?
Christian love is an act of will, a deliberate effort that we can make only by the grace of God.
As A Young Woman’s Walk with God states,
"so we choose to:
- give love when we want to withhold,
-reach out to others when we are tired and want to rest,
-serve when we want to be served, and
-help others when we ourselves are hurting."
A tall order? Of course, but with Jesus, impossible is nothing.
This kind of love comes only from our dear Savior, without Him we are nothing, and have no ability to even understand love.
In conclusion, love is not emotional, but an act of the will. A very important difference.
Well, I should go to bed, tomorrow I'll talk about Principle #2: Love is action, not just words.
By the way, did you know that there's a word called "antediluvian"? *shakes head in wonder* Just in case you'll ever have use for it, here's the definition for your arsenal:" 1 : of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible
2 a : made, evolved, or developed a long time ago." (Merriam-Webster)
It was first used in 1646, so I’m hoping someone’s heard of it…
Now that you can write a better paragraph, unlike the ones I just quickly scribbled, I can go to bed in peace.:P
Impossible is Nothing
Be a World Changer
Did you figure this out on your own or did you hear it somewhere?
What part? I said the main portion of ideas came from the book I quoted, but a lot of it was mine also.
wow SarahLydia... that was awesome... thank you... wow!
Jess, your comments make me actually think I write worthwhile things once in a while.:P Thanks. Man, I miss our research writing class. I need to crack open that gorgeous rulebook thing I barely ever used, because my sentences are getting tediously plain regarding form.
Hey... I never read your semester paper. You should email it to me.:) I reread mine the other day, you know, I suddenly realize why I got the grade I did on that paper.:(
Yeah, I miss you too....
What semester paper? The BIG BIG one? I'll have to dig that one out and send it to you! :)
And you DO write things that are VERY worthwhile.. Keep it up S.L! You are an encouragement to me!
Aw, thanks.:) Yes, then end of year one.:)
What was your subject on?
(You really need to get a fb, or we really need to get together)
btw, thanks for spelling my name correctly <3
Oh, and "Taylor" is the new me.:P
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