Well, this is the first official blog post for this site!!!!
It should have been live several months ago, but for those of us who actually do this thing called studying, we sometimes run out of time.
Ok, to business
This blog is basically the live musings of my confused teenage brain, seeking clarity.
As I get followers (yes, I actually know how to popularize a site, I just don't have the time right now), I'll make it better, and add discussions.
I don't know how often I'll post, because *gasp* guess who has school this summer?
I would like a nicely higher GPA than I have at the moment, and I'm late on the college admissions thing. Mainly because I need to go to two separate colleges for my two very different undocumented interests.
Also, my family is moving somewhere else within the next month (don't worry, it'll still be Colorado!!!), so there'll be that to worry about.
That's the more simple part of my life.
But, hey, who am I to complain, because if life was simple - we would all be insanely bored.
I prefer my life to be rocked and tossed around so that I can learn more, and grow into a deeper love affair with my Jesus.
Well, this post was supposed to be all spiritual, but we can see it ain't going that direction.
So, it's more of a welcome post.
Welcome, I hope you'll stay, and help shape this blog so that we can help other teens into a deeper, or a new, love affair with God.
So that we can stand together, and be world-changers. Not for us, but Him.
As it is written - "two are better than one."
My dear brother's and sister’s let us change this world from wherever we are right now. I have learned how time-consuming trying to plan the future is with out miniscule little brains. Live for today, live fully, and live it for Him.
So that when you get to heaven you will those ancient words - "well done, my good and faithful servant."
Each post will start with "Chosen Generation", to remind you of the great things He has planned for us if we will only listen. They will all end with "Impossible is Nothing' and "Be a world-changer", for the same reasons, and because it's my signature line. There's a story behind that, but that's another post.
I guess that's it for now, because I need to go memorize for a Bio test. :P
Be a world-changer
~Impossible is Nothing~
प.S. Yes, that's me *oh, that's why all the traffic suddenly died down...*
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